
The road that leads from Ouarzazate to Tafilelt crosses a network of perennial wadis, an element fundamental for the existence of oases; this water first cuts through the rock of the Atlas Mountains to then gush from canyons and deep gorges. The route is rightly known as the ” road of a thousand casbahs ” due to the close succession of numerous ksour dominated by their relative casbah, the residence of the village elders, that  is also built entirely of earth and stone, and has the impressive, majestic appearance of a defensive fortress. other casbahs, instead, tower in isolation dominating the immense bleak expanse, but the atmosphere that they seem to provoke in the surrounding environment is always extraordinary. Striking in its evocative solitude is the casbah of Talmassla which is also noted today for a most unusual feature : on the outer walls, now partly damaged by the harsh weather and climate, austere, majestic storks have built their nests.